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Eurotunnel Le Shuttle Support
Booking with Tesco Clubcard Codes
How can I book online using Tesco Clubcard Voucher codes?
Tesco Clubcard Codes
Convert your Clubcard Vouchers to Reward Partner Codes on
A LeShuttle account is required in order to redeem a Tesco Clubcard Code.
Once you have made your booking online enter the voucher code in the payment section to redeem your credit.
Tesco Clubcard Codes can only be used against tickets/travel, and not pet travel or insurance products.
Tesco Clubcard Codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer and cannot refunded, transferred or exchanged.
Can only be used on new bookings (not amendments)
Can only be used on bookings more than 24hrs prior to departure.
Cannot be used on refundable tickets.
Cannot be used on one-way trips from Calais to Folkestone
Only one Reward Partner Code per booking.
If the value of the Tesco Clubcard Code is greater than that of the booking, the remaining value will be lost (the cost of the outbound ticket will be increased to use the entirety of the codes value).
If used in conjunction with a Credit Voucher, the value of the Tesco Clubcard Code will be redeemed against the booking first.
Once booked our standard terms and conditions apply, allowing travel within 12 months from the date of purchase.
The usual and Clubcard scheme terms and conditions apply.
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